
On The Campaign Tour

Politicians travel. We are not in the throes of a major political campaign at this time, but John Edwards has announced his run for president early enough for me to include him in my project (how thoughtful of him). Here is an entry from his own travel blog on his campaign website:

Elizabeth and I just finished a great interview with George Stephanopoulos, which you can watch tomorrow morning on ABC. Now I'm about to take off for our town hall in South Carolina.

The crowds and enthusiasm in Iowa and New Hampshire and Nevada were absolutely amazing. We never had crowds in Iowa like the one we just had until a few days before the caucuses in 2004. The crowds in Portsmouth were larger than any crowd I've ever had in New Hampshire - in the 2004 primary or the general election. There were a thousand people outside who couldn't get in so I went outside an stood on a chair to talk to them! And I was told that the crowd in Reno, Nevada - about 2500 - was completely unprecedented.

If you're in South Carolina or here in Chapel Hill, come out today for our town hall and rally - and for everyone, thank you for doing what you have to make this a tremendous kickoff tour - online and on the ground. Elizabeth and I wish you a happy new year.

The political travel blog serves several purposes. First, it provides information. "Here is my travel schedule. Here's where you might hear what I've got to say. Here's where I might kiss your baby. Here's where you might finally be convinced to join my campaign for president of the United States." Second, the use of new technology, as proliferated in the recent midterm elections, not only gives Edwards an edge (I mean a hip edge) but simultaneously allows him to relate to people on a more colloquial, conversational level. The simplicity of his language even in the post above demonstrates an attempt to talk to the people, in their terms. His adjectives are simple. His wide-eyed, "amazed" writing voice sounds humble and just so gosh-darn-flattered at the attention and support that he's left with his mouth agape. Why, he even had to stand on a chair to talk to the SRO audience outside! Amazing!

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