
Not Far Now

That was always the answer to the travel-weary question: How much farther, Papa Smurf?

It is also the answer by Apple (née Apple Computer) to the question of Time Travel. In fact, in the sneak peek at the new Mac OS X: Leopard, there is a video presentation about a new feature called Time Machine.
"With Time Machine, you can go back in time, find what you need, then restore everything with a single click. Time Machine finds and restores anything on your system...It can even reunite you with old friends...Your memories are never far away. A quick trip into your system's past and they're back with a click. Time is on your side—with Leopard."
While Time Machine only allows us to travel into the past, Apple's recent technological shove into the future is the iPhone—an iPod, a phone and an Internet communicator all-in-one—which "ushers in an era of software power and sophistication never before seen in a mobile device, completely redefining what you can do on a mobile phone."

Should we consider Apple, Inc. one of this world's innovators in time travel? What other Top Secret plans are they hatching in their laboratories? Calling Max and 99...

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